ROMY BOESVELD - Kidsontheroof - designer

How was your cot when you were a baby? How is your bed? The cot was most certainly a 2nd hand one as I was born unplanned with very young parents whi had no budget. The bed is a 2-layer bed for me and my sister my father made himself. With an integrated wooden kitchen on the first floor for us to play with and it is lots of fun.

Which is your favorite dish your mum uses to cook for you? What meal don’t you like at all? Favourite: pancakes of course, for most dutch kids I think  - with “stroop” (old dutch syrup). Hates: everything cabbage like… / white / green ….brrrrrr

What is your favorite book? Wiplala from Annie MG Schmidt, about a little little man as big as your little finger who can do magic but not well enough – therefore his co-Wiplalas have sent him away and he arrives in the human world. He comes living with a Dutch family of one father – a writer who doesn’t make any money and needs to accept some uninteresting job – and two kids – a boy and girl. Together with Wiplala they have lots and lots of adventures.

Did you have an imaginary friend? No, we have a real dog and a hamster and a rabbit – that is great!